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'' + videoId : url; } function getAndShowDependentInputFields(prefix, parentId, elementId, veldId) { var selected = new Array(); // INPUTS $cf('input[name="'+prefix+elementId+'"]').each(function() { if ($cf(this).is(":checked")) { selected.push($cf(this).val()); } }); // SELECTS $cf('select[name="'+prefix+elementId+'"]').each(function() { selected.push($cf(this).find(":selected").val()); }); var ajaxRequest; try { // Opera 8.0+, Firefox, Safari ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e) { // Internet Explorer Browsers try { ajaxRequest = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { ajaxRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { return false; } } } // Create a function that will receive data sent from the server ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function(){ if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4 && ajaxRequest.status == 200) { $cf('#div'+prefix+veldId).remove(); $cf('#div'+prefix+parentId).after(ajaxRequest.responseText); } }"GET",""+veldId+"&selected="+selected.join(),true); ajaxRequest.send(); } $j(function() { hoofdNav = $j(".hoofdnav"); zetSubMenuMinBreedte(); zetSelectInputPlaceholderKleur(); zetCollapsables(); iniMenu(); iniVideo(); $j(window).resize(function(){ handelResizeAf(); }); // ROT13 encrypted mailto's decoderen $j('a[href^="znvygb"]').each(function() { $j(this).attr('href', $j(this).attr('href').replace(/[a-zA-Z]/g, function(c){return String.fromCharCode((c<="Z"?90:122)>=(c=c.charCodeAt(0)+13)?c:c-26);})); }); }); function redirect(url) { if(!redirectActive) { redirectActive = true; window.location.href = url; } } function stopRedirectAfterClick() { redirectActive = true; setTimeout("redirectActive = false;", 250); } function zetSelectInputPlaceholderKleur() { $j('.inputregel_input select').change(function(){ if($j(this).val() != '') { $j(this).removeClass('tekst_grijs'); } else { $j(this).addClass('tekst_grijs'); } }); } function prefixBaseDirToUrl(url) { //url should not contain a / at the beginning, that should be the end in baseDir. return baseDir+url; } function executeAjaxCall(url, completeFunction, postOrGet, data, transferFunction) { $j.ajax({ type : postOrGet, url : url, data : data, success : completeFunction }); } function alertJsonError(call) { if(!empty(call)) { if(typeof call.errorMessage !== "undefined") { bootbox.alert(call.errorMessage); } } } function redirectSamePage() { window.location.href = window.location.href; } function zetCollapsables() { $j(".collapsable").each(function () { $collapsable = $j(this); var clickableElement = $collapsable; var openOrCloseByBodyClick = $collapsable.attr('collapsable-data-bodyclick'); if (openOrCloseByBodyClick == 'false') { clickableElement = $collapsable.find(".collapsable-header:first"); } $j(clickableElement).click(function (e) { $collapsable = $j(this); if (openOrCloseByBodyClick == 'false') { $collapsable= $j(this).parent(); } $header = $collapsable.find('.collapsable-header:first'); $content = $collapsable.find('.collapsable-body:first'); if ($content) { $content.slideToggle(150, function() { $header.find('.collapsable-header-text:first').text(function () { return $":visible") ? $collapsable.attr('collapsable-data-text-open') : $collapsable.attr('collapsable-data-text-closed'); }); $header.find('.collapsable-header-icon:first').addClass(function () { if ($":visible")) { // Specifieke on open functie $javascriptOnOpen = $collapsable.attr('collapsable-data-onopen'); if (!empty($javascriptOnOpen)) { try { eval($javascriptOnOpen); } catch (e) { if (false) { console.log(e.message); } } } // Algemene on open functie if (!empty(collapsablesOnOpen) && $j.isFunction(collapsablesOnOpen)) { collapsablesOnOpen($collapsable); } $j(this).removeClass($collapsable.attr('collapsable-data-icon-closed')); $j(this).addClass($collapsable.attr('collapsable-data-icon-open')); } else { // Specifieke on close functie $javascriptOnClose = $collapsable.attr('collapsable-data-onclose'); if (!empty($javascriptOnClose)) { try { eval($javascriptOnClose); } catch (e) { if (false) { console.log(e.message); } } } // Algemene on close functie if (!empty(collapsablesOnClose) && $j.isFunction(collapsablesOnClose)) { collapsablesOnClose($collapsable); } $j(this).removeClass($collapsable.attr('collapsable-data-icon-open')); $j(this).addClass($collapsable.attr('collapsable-data-icon-closed')); } }); }); } }); }); } function collapsablesOnClose(collapsable) { // On close functie if (collapsable.find('.inputregel_input input').not(':input[type=button], :input[type=submit], :input[type=reset]')) { collapsable.find('.inputregel_input input').not(':input[type=button], :input[type=submit], :input[type=reset]').val(''); if (typeof setVeiligheid === "function") { setVeiligheid(''); } } } function collapsablesOnOpen(collapsable) { // On open functie } function setPlaceholder(element, placeholder) { if(!empty(element)) { if(element.value == "" && element.getAttribute("placeholderReplaced") == "true") { element.value = placeholder; } } } function clearPlaceholder(element, placeholder) { if(!empty(element)) { if(element.value == placeholder) { element.value = ""; element.setAttribute("placeholderReplaced","true"); } else { if(element.getAttribute("placeholderReplaced") != "true") { element.setAttribute("placeholderReplaced","false"); } } } } /** * Equivelant to PHP empty() * @param mixedVar * @returns boolean */ function empty(mixedVar) { var emptyValues = [null, false, 0, '', '0', undefined, 'undefined']; // String if (typeof mixedVar === 'string') { // Trim mixedVar = mixedVar.trim(); } // Check length if (mixedVar !== undefined && mixedVar.length == 0) { return true; } // Check specific empty values for (var i = 0; i < emptyValues.length; i++) { if (mixedVar === emptyValues[i]) { return true; } } return false; } function erasefile(target) { if(empty(target)) { alert("Niet voldoende informatie om het bestand te verwijderen"); } else { if(confirm("Weet je zeker dat je het bestand wilt verwijderen?")) { url = $j("#"+target+"_url").val(); $j.ajax({ async: true, type: "GET", url: url, //dataType: "json", success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR){ if(data.status == "ok") { if(!empty(target)) { $j("#"+target+"_info").hide(); $j("#"+target+"_bestand").slideUp({height:"hide",opacity:0,width:$j("#"+target).width()},500); } } else { alertJsonError(data); } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert("fout--> -->"+textStatus+"-->"+errorThrown); } }); } } } function executeAjaxCall(url, completeFunction, postOrGet, data, transferFunction) { $j.ajax({ type: postOrGet, url: url, data : data, success: completeFunction }); } function alertJsonError(call) { if(call != undefined) { if(typeof call.errorMessage !== "undefined") { bootbox.alert(call.errorMessage); } } } /** * TinyLimiter - * License: GNU GPL v3.0 - */ (function($j) { $j.fn.extend( { limiter: function(limit, elem) { $j(this).on('paste', function(e) { var element = $j(this); setTimeout(function () { element.val(element.val().replace(/[\r\n|\n|\r]+/g, ' ')); }, 150); }); $j(this).on('keydown', function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 10 || e.keyCode == 13) { e.preventDefault(); } }); $j(this).on('keyup focus', function() { setCount(this, elem); }); function setCount(src, elem) { var chars = src.value.length; if (chars > limit) { src.value = src.value.substr(0, limit); chars = limit; } var charsleft = limit - chars; if (charsleft==1) { elem.html( '1 karakter over' ); } else { elem.html( limit - chars +' karakters over'); } } setCount($j(this)[0], elem); } }); })(jQuery);